"Prepare for a delightful journey of love and laughter in 'Pyar ki Extra Classes,' where unexpected connections and surprising revelations redefine the meaning of romance."
Radio Udaan is a unique platform that provides a voice to the disabled community. Launched in 2014, it is run by visually impaired RJs and team members under the 'Udaan Empowerment Trust.' It is the only radio station run by disabled people and has been offering a wide range of shows for over nine years.
Radioudaan, an organization dedicated to promoting accessibility and inclusivity, is helping individuals with visual impairments clear web accessibility certification through dedicated training programs. This certification is highly valued in the IT sector, and can open up new job opportunities for visually impaired individuals.
This is a singing competition for people with disabilities. The competition has received a great response and has provided a platform for talented musicians to showcase their skills.
We have also organized a hunt for disabled radio jockeys to give them an opportunity to pursue a career in radio. The response to this initiative has been overwhelmingly positive and has helped to create more job opportunities for people with disabilities.. Radioudaan held an "RJ Hunt" competition.
We have organized several quiz competitions to enhance knowledge and skills of individuals to help them crack competetive exams. These events have been well received and have helped to raise awareness about the capabilities of people with disabilities.
We have also organized debates on various topics related to disability rights and inclusion. These debates have been a great platform for people to express their opinions and advocate for the rightsof PWDs .
Radioudaan, a leading organization working for the rights of people with disabilities, has been organizing a national conference every year since 2014 in different cities across India.
Udaan empowerment trust is also helping people find their matrimonial alliance through our broadcast shows and meets which were organized in Delhi and Bangalore. So far, our efforts have helped many couples find their soul mates and lead them to matrimony.
Radioudaan, in collaboration with Mitrajyothi, has launched a braille magazine called Insight. This magazine is published every year and is distributed to over 100 people with visual impairments, helping them to stay updated with braille and improve their spelling skills.
We have been Enlightening people and polishing their skills through our educational shows
Making people aware about the latest government schemes and campaigns such as Accessible India,sugamyaPustakalaya etc.
RadioUdaan is a well-known organization that has been working to empower and support visually impaired individuals in India. With the help of the National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (NIEPVD) and other respected NGOs, RadioUdaan has conducted several technical workshops for visually impaired persons in different parts of India.
In today's times there is a lot of use of technology. It is used in a lot of places and without it there is no life. Nowadays we can see smart things like smart TV, lights, switches and many more things. As the technology is being developed many things have become useful for the blind.
As we all know that advocacy plays a crucial role in policy implementation. We visually impaired people who belong to a marginal section of society where the role of advocacy becomes even more crucial. We have also narrowed the gap between people and leaders.
Radioudaan is a leading organization working for the rights of people with disabilities in India. As part of their efforts to raise awareness about the challenges and issues faced by people with disabilities, Radioudaan has been creating live plays and performances on topics such as education, matrimony, employment, advocacy, accessibility, and awareness.
Government has launched various schemes and made major policies for the welfare of persons with disability but lot of people are not aware of them. So as
Radio Udaan has been registered in the ‘India Book of Records’ for being the first online radio station run by people with vi
Radioudaan, the main objective of which is to take a higher and higher flight and let the community fly with us and achieve the height which we all deserve.
An appropriate query, which may arise, is why any institution, individual or corporate should fund a project like Udaan Empowerment Trust.
In India there are around 857 television channels and 837 radio stations in different cities. But how many of them cover the issues, events, achievements, tortures, schemes, facilities, laws, etc. pertaining to disable community? How many of them talk about the sexual abuse faced by visually impaired females, domestic violence or non-availability of proper opportunities for disabled?
Overall, the past year has been a very successful and productive one for Radioudaan. Through our various projects and initiatives, we have been able to make a positive impact on the lives of our listeners and the wider community. We look forward to continuing to serve and empower our community in the years to come.
Radioudaan has also been committed to covering events and issues related to disabilities within the community.
This project was launched to help people with disabilities find suitable partners for marriage. We have received a great response from the community and have successfully helped many individuals find their soulmates.